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tamoadmin 2024-08-11 人已围观

简介1.cannot help do/doing和cannot help but do2.use.see.swim.open.make.plan.kid.jump的现代分词是什么3.高中英语动词不定式和动名词所有的内容4.现在高三了但是英语基础很差.怎么办很想补救5.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-动词不定式用法举要cannot help do/doing和cannot help but do1 不得不做

1.cannot help do/doing和cannot help but do





cannot help do/doing和cannot help but do


1 不得不做某事

2 只有

3 情不自禁做某事

4 不能帮助做某事

这是高考训练辅导上写的标准答案 我是高三学生


这两句话就是固定搭配 没有为什么的


I he to accept the fact 我不得不接受事实

I can (only) accept the fact 我只能接受事实


还有一个固定搭配是he nothing to do but do 可以放到一起来记


百科名片现在分词(Present Participle,又称-ing形式、现在进行式) ,是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,即在句子里面不能单独充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语,表语,补语和状语),并且它们具有动词的性质,所以又是类动词的一种。一般式:doing; 一般被动式:being done; 完成式:hingdone; 完成被动式:hing been done。 所有否定式都是在-ing前面加not ,包括独立主格形式。


编辑本段定义由动词原形+ing形式组成。具有双重性,一面具有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语;另一面具有形容词和副词的特征,可以充当表语,定语,状语,补足语,可以表示主动或正在进行的动作,是非谓语动词的一种。编辑本段构成形式①一般在动词原形末尾加ing,如do→doing,sing→singing,comfort→comforting②以不发音的e结尾的动词,先去e,再加ing,如dance→dancing,hike→hiking,write→writing,make→ making,take→taking※注意※ 这里的e必须不发音,若发音,则不能去掉,如see→seeing③以重读闭音节结尾的动词,并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写这一字母,再加ing,如cut→cutting,swim→swimming④以ie结尾的动词,要把ie变成y再加ing,如die→dying,lie→lying.不过也有y变ie加ing的。⑤以ic结尾的动词,要把ic变成ick再加ing,如picnic→picnicking,traffic→trafficking以上规则用一句话概括成的口诀就是:直接双写去e,ie变ying编辑本段可作成分定语 状语 补语 表语作定语单个分词作定语时放在所修饰名词前。分词短语作定语时放在后,并且名词与现在分词之间存有逻辑上的主谓关系。这是区分现在分词作定语和动名词作定语的判断方法之一。e.g. a running boy the girl standing there并且一般都可以转化为一个进行时的定语从句。e.g. a boy who is runninga girl who is standing there注意1:分词的完成时不可作定语注意2:在message letter sign news notice等词后要用现在分词作定语,不用过去分词,这是考试的易错点。注意3:某些现在分词作定语时,已不再表示动作,已经从分词变为了形容词词性,如interesting story, an exciting match。这些也可以属于现在分词作定语,但是不能转化为相应的定语从句,但是可以有变化(原级 比较级 最高级)和被某些副词如very修饰。作补语高中阶段只研究分词作宾补的情况,不研究作主补的情况。只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补:1)感官动词:see hear watch feel notice observe keep find listen to look at2)使役动词:he get catch lee set 值得注意的是:要想用现在分词来作宾补,只能是用于这些词后,但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补)。eg.I saw him singing now.Don't he the students studying all day.注意 :宾语与作宾补充的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者。至于现在分词作主语补足语的情况只须知道上述动词的被动语态形式中的现在分词作的是主补即可,无须深入。 作表语(1) 分词作表语有两种情况,一种是现在分词作表语,一种是过去分词作表语,究竟是用现在分词还是用过去分词作表语是学生们经常困惑的地方。一般来说,表示心理状态的动词如excite,interest等都是及物动词,汉语意思不是“激动”,“高兴”,而是“使激动”、“使高兴”,因而现在分词应该是“令人激动的”、“令人高兴的”,过去分词则是“感到激动的”和“感到高兴的”。所以,凡表示“令人……的”都是-ing形式,凡是表示“感到……”都用-ed形式。换句话说,若人对……感兴趣,就是somebody is interested in..., 若人/ 物本身有兴趣时,就是说sb/sth is interesting。这类词常见的有:interesting 使人感到高兴 — interested感到高兴的exciting令人激动的— excited感到激动的delighting令人高兴的— delighted感到高兴的disointing令人失望的— disointed感到失望的encouraging 令人鼓舞的— encouraged感到鼓舞的pleasing令人愉快的— pleased感到愉快的puzzling令人费解的— puzzled感到费解的satisfying令人满意的— satisfied感到满意的surprising令人惊异的— surpsried感到惊异的worring令人担心的—worrred感到担心的如:Treling is interesting but tiring.旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳The pupils will get confused if they are made to learn too much.如果让学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。The argument is very convincing.他的论点很令人信服。They were very excited at the news.听到这个消息,他们非常激动。(2) 分词作表语时,相当于形容词,不可与构成进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的形式是一样但可以从意义上予以区别。试比较:The film is moving.这**很感人。(表语,说明主语的性质)They are moving next Sunday .他们下个周日搬家。(现在进行时,表示动作)The bookstore is now closed.书店现在已关门了。(表语,说明主语所处的状态)The bookstore is usually closed at 7:30 p. m. .书店通常在下午7:30关门。(被动语态,表示动作)作状语作时间、条件、原因、让步状语时要位于句首,且与后面用逗号隔开。能转换为一个相应的状语从句。作结果、方式、伴随状语时要位于句尾,且与前面用逗号隔开,有时也可以不用。注意分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致。〔这个是重点,是考试和高考的常考点,大家必须记住〕个人经验状语从句是万能的,而分词作状语具有局限性,当分词不能表示的时候可以用从句来做。1)作时间状语eg.Walking in the street,I saw him.当我在街上走时,我看到他了。可以转化为一个时间状语从句 When/While I was walking in the street,I saw him.当我要表达正在进行的动作时 我们可以在分词前面加上when/while那么上面的例句就可以改写为When/While walking in the street,I saw him.(其实有的时候也可以理解为时间状语从句中的省略,但是不是时时成立的)重新注意一下所给出的例子Walking in the street,I saw him.我是翻译成”当我在街上走时,我看到他了.”而不可以翻译为”当他在街上走时,我看到他了.”(这个是因为”分词作状语时 其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”)但是有的同学问了 那我要是想翻译成”当他在街上走时,我看到他了.”那应该怎么做那?可以用状语从句来做啊 因为从句是万能的啊When/While he was walking in the street,I saw him. 当他走在街上,我看到他。在这里在告诉大家另外的一个方法He walking in the street,I saw him. 他走在街上,我看见他这是分词的独立主格形式 我们以下会介绍 在这里不需太理解.2)作条件状语e.g. Working hard,you will succeed. (只要)努力工作,你就会成功3)作原因状语e.g. Being ill,she stayed at home. (因为)生病,她留在家里注意 being是常用来作原因状语的4)作让步状语e.g. Hing failed many times,he didn't lost heart. 有很多次失败,他没有灰心。5)作结果状语e.g. His friend died,getting him a lot of money, 他的朋友死了,(所以)给了他很多钱6)作方式状语e.g. Please answer the question using another way. 请用另一种方式回答这个问题7)作伴随状语e.g. Look at the people lying on the beach.看那些人正躺在沙滩上作独立成分generally speaking一般来说 Judging from/by 由……判断出 〔高中阶段只需记这两个〕现在分词的独立主格这个语法点大家原来没有接触过,所以会感到生疏。那么我下面就简单的介绍一下有关于“独立主格”的内容。独立主格,又叫独立结构。它没有主语和谓语,只有逻辑上的主语,因此,它在句法上不是句子,而是一个独立于句子成分之外的独特结构形式。独立主格结构可置于句首、句尾,用逗号与主句隔开。独立主格结构可分为两部分,一部分是名词或代词(主格),起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分由形容词、副词、名词、分词、不定式、介词短语等构成,表示前面名词或代词的状态、状况或动作。在句中作状语 要注意它不是句子 其实我们曾经学过的”with的复合结构”是差不多的 只不过它要比独立主格多个with.在高中阶段 只须理解现在分词和过去分词的逻辑主格个人理解其实分词的独立主格实质就是分词作状语 只不过它不符合我们说的那条”分词作状语时,其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”不难发现我每次在叙述这句话时都加上”一般”二字 那也就是说也有特殊的时候 就是分词的逻辑主语不和句中主语保持一致 也就是拥有了自己的独自的逻辑主语 那么也就是该用独立主格的时候了.e.g. Winter coming,it gets colder and colder.冬天来了 天变的越来越冷了注意这句话 我们不难发现it在句中指代的是”天气”那么当我把winter去掉的时候,那在形式上就是纯粹的分词作状语 那么我们也就是默认了coming的动作是由it(天气)发出来的 但是我们不妨翻译一下”当天气来的时候 天气变的越来越冷了.”显然句意不通 那么就是说coming的逻辑主语不是it(天气),也就是coming拥有自己的逻辑主语 那么也就是winter 因为coming的动作是由winter发出的啊。注意当逻辑主语是人的身体部位时 如果后面的动词是vt 我们就用过去分词 如果是vi我们就用现在分词 其实用过去分词时是因为身体部位作了它的宾语。如果是由身体部位自己本身发出的动作时就用现在分词 实在理解不了 就请同学们强记下来。e.g.The boy lay on the ground,his eyes closed and his hands trembling.这个男孩躺在地上,眼睛闭着,手在发抖。编辑本段现在分词现在分词由动词加ing构成。非谓语动词中的现在分词主要起形容词和副词的作用,在句中作定语、表语、补语。两个基本特点1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country. 一个发展中的国家, boiling water 沸水, rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳。(试比较: a developed country 一个发达国家, boiled water沸水, risen sun 升起的太阳)2. 在语态上表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级, the exploiting class 剥削阶级。(试比较: the ruled class 被统治阶级, the exploited class 被剥削阶级)掌握现在分词的基本功能1. 现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。也可以说明被修饰词的性质和特征,此时可换成相应的定语从句。例如:① There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light.② He saw a flying bird and raised his bow.③ I was satisfied with the exciting speech.2. 现在分词作状语时,可作时间、条件、结果、原因和伴随状语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。例如:① The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.② European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world.③Seeing from the top of the hill, we can find that the city looks more beautiful.3. 现在分词作补足语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。例如:① Soon they could see the steam rising from the wet clothes.② The missing boys were last seen playing near the river.4. 现在分词的独立主格结构作状语。例如:① With his lips still trembling, he couldn't say a word.②“ Mama! ” he cried suddenly, tears rolling down his cheeks. “妈妈!”他突然哭着喊,泪水从他的脸上流下来。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 tears rolling down his cheeks 作状语。)③ Weather permitting, we'll go to the Great wall. 如果天气允许的话,我们就去长城。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 Weather permitting 作状语。)慢跑 Slow-running滑冰Skating游泳Swimming打篮球Playing basketball画画Drawing (pictures)唱歌Singing购物Shopping阅读 Reading踢足球playing /football跳jumping站standing写writing说talking/speaking/saying跑running吃eating……现在分词的否定结构现在分词的否定式由“not+现在分词”构成。如:Not knowing where to go, she went to the police for help.她不知道该往哪儿走,就去请警察帮助。(现在分词一般式的否定结构)Not seeing John, I asked where he was.我看不见约翰,于是问他在何处。(现在分词一般式的否定结构)Not being seen by anyone, the thief escaped.那个贼趁无人看见时逃跑了。(现在分词被动式的否定结构)Not hing done it right,I tried again.我由于没有做对,所以又试了试。(现在分词完成式的否定结构)现在分词的一般式(1) 现在分词的一般式通常表示其动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生。如:She sat there reading a novel.她坐在那里看。A little child learning to walk often falls.学走路的小孩常常跌跤。(2) 现在分词的一般式所表示的动作有时在谓语动词的动作之前发生。如:Going into the room,he shut the door.走进房间,他就关上了门。现在分词的完成式现在分词的完成式表示其动作在谓语动词的动作之前完成。Hing finished her homework, the little girl began to watch TV.做完作业后,这个小女孩开始看电视。Hing lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well.因为在北京住了多年,卡特对这个城市很熟悉。现在分词的被动式现在分词的被动式表示其逻辑主语为现在分词动作的承受者。(1) 现在分词的一般被动式。如:The building being built is our library.正在建的那栋楼是我们的图书馆。The question being discussed is of great importance.正在讨论的问题非常重要。(2) 现在分词的完成被动式。如:Hing been warned by the teacher, the students didn’t make such mistakes.老师警告他们之后,学生们不再犯这样的错误了。Hing been told many times , he still did not know how to do it.(人家)已经告诉他多少次了,他还是不知道怎么做。垂悬现在分词现在分词作状语时,其逻辑主语应该与句子的主语一致,但有时现在分词的主语与其所在句中的主语并不一致,这种现在分词即所谓的垂悬现在分词。垂悬现在分词容易使句意模糊,甚至造成歧义,因而通常被认为是不合规范或错误的用法。Searching along the deck,it had taken him some time to find a doctor.他沿着甲板找了好久才找到一名医生。(searching的逻辑主语是句中的him)Walking or sleeping,this subject was always in my mind.不论是走路或睡觉,我总是在想着这个问题。(walking or sleeping的逻辑主语是句中的my)Treling is interesting but tiring.旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳The pupils will get confused if they are made to learn too much.如果让学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。The argument is very convincing.他的论点很令人信服。They were very excited at the news.听到这个消息,他们非常激动。(2) 分词作表语时,相当于形容词,不可与构成进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的形式是一样但可以从意义上予以区别。试比较:The film is moving.这**很感人。(表语,说明主语的性质)They are moving next Sunday .他们下个周日搬家。(现在进行时,表示动作)The bookstore is now closed.书店现在已关门了。(表语,说明主语所处的状态)The bookstore is usually closed at 7:30 p. m. .书店通常在下午7:30关门。(被动语态,表示动作)



不定式可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语,但不能作谓语,可有自己的逻辑主语,即for/of sb to do。


To do that sort of thing is foolish.

It would be better fou you to go there.

(it作形式主语代替后面的不定式)it be adj/n for sb to do sth


Walking after supper is helpful.

To walk in the street this evening will be nice.


To see is to believe.

All you he to do is (to)finish the job quickly.



He promosed not to tell anybody about it.

(不定式的否定形式为not to do)

He didn’t go to the party last night,but he intended to.


I think it important for you to recite some English articles.


提示:以下动词只能跟不定式作宾语:afford agree ask attempt decide demand expect fail help hope manage offer plan prepare pretend promise refuse seem wish.


There are many TV sets to choose from.


The room is large to live in.

The river is large to swim in.


Betty was the first(girl)to come.

He’s the only person to know the truth.

The easisest way to learn English is staying at an English family.

She has a wish to trel around the world.


He spoke loudly(so as/in order)to be heard.(目的状语)

I’m to tired to walk any further this afternoon.(结果状语)


so+adj/adv+as to do如此......以至于

such+adj+n+as to do如此......以至于

adj/adv+enough+to do足够......

too+adv/adj+to do太......以致不能

They jumped with joy to hear the news.(原因状语)

He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.(方式状语)

I’m very glad to see you again.



(1)动词+宾语+带to的不定式。具有这种用法的动词有:advise allow ask beg cause chellenge drive encourage expect forbid force hire intend invite order permit persuade remind require teach remind tell want warn等。

She asked me to stay here.

(2)表示见解、看法的动词+宾语+带to的不定式(不定式常用to be或to he done形式)。具有这种结构的动词有:believe consider declare discover feel(认为) find imagine judge suppose think understand等。

I consider him to he done wrong.

(3)感官动词+宾语+不带to的不定式(被动式中必须带to,)。具有这种用法的动词有:see notice watch lookat observe hear listento feel等。

I heard the clock tick.The boy was seen to run down the street.

(4)使役动词+宾语+不带to的不定式(被动式中必须带to,但he一般不用于被动式)。具有这种用法的动词有:make he let等。

Shall I he him come here ?

They shouldn’t be made to do such hey work.

(5)动词短语+宾语+带to的不定式。具有这种用法的词组有:arrange for ask for call on count on long for depend on rely on wait for等。

I’m waiting for you to reply.


1.I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good______.

A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed

be+adj+to do不定式用主动形式。The house is comfortable to live in.

2.The director had her assistant______some hot dogs for the meeting.

A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking up

he sb do sth让某人做某事

3.I feel greatly honoured______into their society.

A.to welcome B.welcoming C.to be welcomed D.welcomed

考察非谓语动词。从句是看,这里用不定式作状语,用主系表+to do sth,这里用不定式的被动语态表示受到欢迎。

4.Due to the hey rain and flooding,ten million people he been forced______their homes.

A.leing B.to lee C.to be left D.being left

此处考察be forced to do sth固定结构。在force sb to do sth这一结构中,不定式作动词force的宾语补足语。


1.I don’t want______like I’m speaking ill of anybody,but the manager’s plan is unfair.

A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to he sounded

2.All these gifts must be mailed immediately______in time for Chrismas.

A.in order to he received B.in order to receive

C.so as to be received D.so as to be receiving

3.He hurried to the station only______that the train had left.

A.to find B.finding C.found D.to he found

4.I meant______abroad with them,but I didn’t he enough money.

A.going B.to go C.to he gone D.hing gone

5.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,______it more difficult.

A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make

6.I’ve worked with children before,so I know what______in my new job.

A.expected B.to expect C.to be excepting D.expects

7.She pretended______when I came in.

A.to read B.read C.to be reading D.reading

8.They knew her very well.They had seen her______up from childhood.

A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.grown

9.She is often heard______English aloud in the morning.

A.read B.to read C.hing read D.to be reading

10.When I went to the Smiths’,they hened______dinner.

A.to he B.to be hing C.to hing been hing D.hing





Wishing for things costs nothing.愿望是不花本钱的。


It’s no use worrying about it.发愁没有用。

It’s useless arguing(=to argue) with them.跟他们争辩徒劳无益。

Do you think it’s worthwhile quarrelling with me?你认为我们吵值得吗?

It is hopeless arguing about it.为此争论毫无用处。


It’s fun being taken to the zoo.被带去逛动物园很有意思。


It’s a waste of time you talking to him.你和他谈话时浪费时间。

Jenny’s not going to college is her one regret.杰尼没上过大学是她感到遗憾的事。



动词:allow, permit, consider, suggest, advice, keep(on), finish, imagine, practise, understand, reciate, enjoy, miss, prevent, forbid, escape, include, deny, forgive, pardon, excuse, dislike, discuss, report, admit, mind, risk, delay, postpone(推迟)等。

(2)短语:put off, can’t stand, burst out(突然开始), feel like, insist on, give up, be busy, be worth, succeed in, look forward to, devote…to/be devoted to(致力于), be/get used to, lead to, get down to(开始认真做),pay attention to, refer to, point to, turn to, object to, equal to, belong to等。

3.句型:spend … in doing在某方面花费

prevent /stop/keep…from doing阻止……做……

How/What about doing sth?做……怎么样?

he sone difficulty/trouble(in) doing sth在做某事方面有困难

he a hard time in doing sth做某事很艰难

there is no sense in doing做……是没有道理的








go on

can’t help

sb need/want/require to do(需要、想要、要求做某事)

sth need/want/require doing(=to be done)(某物需要做某事)
















My fourite sport is swimming.

It’s no use going there today.He won’t be in(can’t be in).

He you finished writing your composition.

Excuse me for being late.

He entered the room without making any noise.

He entering the room without being seen.




His job is teaching English.

=Teaching English is his Job.


He was very amusing.

Skiing is more exciting than skating.滑雪比溜冰更刺激。



a swimming pool =a pool for swimming

a walking stick=a stick for walking


Nobody can stop the running horse=the horse that is running 没有人能阻止那配奔跑的马。horse与running之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。

I know the man standing there=who is standing there



动名词与所修饰的名词间的关系,以swimming pool 为例,是说the pool; is for swimming即为游泳而设,同样a walking stick=The stick is for walking.


an interesting book=The book is interesting.

exciting news=the news is exciting


试加法是用for带入原含有v+ing形式的词组中,意思通顺者,v+ing形式为动名词。a sleeping car=a car for sleeping(car是供睡觉的),a dancing hall=a hall for dancing(hall是供跳舞的)。二句均通顺,合乎逻辑,所以sleeping和dancing均为动名词。又如:a sleeping boy=a boy for sleeping(boy供睡觉),显然意思不通顺,因而sleeping在此处便是现在分词了。


A sleeping boy=a boy who is sleeping

Working people=people who are working



She caught them stealing her les.(them与stealing有主动关系;在“撞见时”正在偷。)


I saw the boy climbed the wall.我看见那小男孩爬墙。(强调爬墙这件事)

I saw the boy climbing the wall.我看见那小男孩正在爬墙。(强调爬墙的情景)


1.The next morning she found the man______in bed,dead.

A.lying B.lie C.lay D.laying

2.The squirrel(松鼠)was lucky that it just missed ______.

A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch

3.She didn’t remember______him before.

A.hing met B.he met C.to meet D.to hing met

4.There was a terrible noise______the sudden burst of light.

A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed

5.The secretary worked late into the night,______a long speech for the president.

A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing

6.I can hardly imagine Peter______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

A.sail B.to sailed C.sailing D.to he sailed

7.---I usually go there by train.

---Why not______by boat for a chance?

A.to try doing B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going

8.I would reciate______back this afternoon.

A.you to call B.you call C.you calling D.you are calling

9.______a reply,he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not hing received D.Hing not received

10.The missing boys were last seen______near the river.

A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play


1-5 A A B A B 6-10 B B A B B



(While) Working in the factory,he was an advanced worker.


Being a League member,he is always helping others.


He stayed at home,cleaning and washing.


(If) Playing all day,you will waste your valuable time.


He dropped the glass,breaking it into pieces.


He went swimming the other day.


Though raining heily,it cleared up very soon.


I waiting for the bus,a bird fell on my head.


All the tickets hing been sold out,they went away disointedly.


Time permitting,we’ll do another two exercise.



With the lights burning,he fell asleep.他点着灯睡着了。


Judging from his earance,he must be an actor.


Generally speaking,girls are more careful.



1.More and more people are signing up for Yuga classes nowdays,______advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

A.taking B.taken C.hing taken D.hing been taking

2.While watching television,______.

A.the doorbell ran B.the doorbell rings

C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings

3.In April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qindao,______the 60th anniversary founding of the PLA Ny.

A.marking B.marked C.hing marked D.being marked

4.At the age of 29,De was a worker,______in a small apartment near Boston and______what to do about his future.

A.living;wordering B.lived;wordering

C.lived;wordered D.living;wondered

5.He glanced over at her,______that though she was tiny,she seemed very well put together.

A.noticing B.noticed C.to notice D.hing noticed

6.The flowers______sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.to be smelt

7.The old man,______abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.

A.A.to work B.working C.to he worked D.hing worked

8.______,the more expensive the camera,the better its quality.

A.General speaking B.Speaking general

C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally

9.The storm left,______a lot of damage to this area.

A.caused B.to he caused C.to cause D.hing caused

10.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures______in your mind instead of before your eyes.

A.to form B.form C.forming D.hing formed


1-5 A C A A A 6-10C D C D C

A B A B 6-10 B B A B B



1.树立信心,稳住阵脚,合理定位:现在离高考大概还有三个月的时间,目前最重要的是要接受自己的现状,不要盲目和成绩优秀的同学错位比较。所以要树立信心,稳住阵脚,合理定位。越到后期,越要保留头脑清醒。要坚信,只要付出,就有回报。否则,阵脚一乱,就会全面崩溃。目前,最重要的就是要合理定位,设定近期可实现的奋斗目标。虽然现在离高考的时间只有几个月,但通过后期的努力还是能够考个及格以上的。 2 明确阶段主攻方向,确定备考重点内容;


1) 关注重点词汇:重点动词(如:感官动词、使役动词、连系动词等)动词短语、介词短语以及其它短语,比较可行的办法就是直接在考试大纲中的词汇表中划出这些词语。复习单词要与造句结合起来,所谓词不离句。孤立背单词会比较乏味,而且不容易记住。

2) 关注重点语法项目:高考中最重要的语法项目(每年必考的语法项目)主要有:动词时态、语态、非谓语动词、名词性从句、定语从句和状语从句;

3) 关于短文改错:要熟悉命题规律和考点设置的规律,短文改错无非就是考词法与句法,如果把基础语法复习到位了,短文改错做起来就不难了。

4) 关于书面表达:建议从朗读和背诵范文入手。每天挑选一篇不同话题或不同文体的范文,按照一读(朗读)二背(背诵)三记(用笔记本记下范文中好词好句)四模仿(模仿范文写出类似的句子)的思路来进行。(最好按话题来记相关的词汇和句型,因为英语的书面表达都是按话题来设计的)

5) 关于练习:建议每天坚持做一定量的基础练习。先复习后练习,要坚持练后反思,及时查错思错。对于基础不好的学生来说,更要多花点时间看书复习而不是埋头只做练习。 以上建议,仅供参考,希望对有类似情况的高三学生有点帮助。






To see is to believe. (主语)眼见为实,耳听为虚。 / 百闻不如一见。

Her job is to take care of the children in the kindergarten? (表语)她的工作是在幼儿园照顾小孩。

The old woman hopes to trel to Hainan. (宾语)那老太太希望去海南旅游。

The doctor persuaded the patient to give up smoking . (宾语补足语)医生劝说这位病人戒烟。

Tom has a great deal of housework to do this weekend. (定语)这个周末汤姆有很多家务活要做。

Nice to see you again here. (状语)很高兴再次在这见到你。

To be honest/frank, l dislike her. (独立成分)老实 / 坦白说,我不喜欢她。


动词不定式的否定式由? not+ 不定式?构成。如:

I decided not to go there so hurriedly . 我决定不这么匆忙地去那儿。


1 .省略不定式的符号 to.

动词不定式作 see, look at, watch, notice, observe, feel 等感官动词以及 he, let, make 等使役动词后面的宾语补足语时,不定式的符号 to 要省略。如:

I often hear my neighbor sing English songs 我经常听到我邻居唱英文歌。

2 .保留不定式的符号 to, 省略动词原形。

有时为了避免重复,可以只用 to 代替前面的不定式,这种情况往往出现在下列动词如 care, expect, forget, hope, intend, mean, prefer, try, want, wish, be glad/ hy/ delighted, would like/ love 等后面。如:

I he never been to Macao but I do wish to. 我从没去过澳门,但我很渴望去。



It is an honour for me to be invited to the party. 我很荣幸被邀请参加聚会。


动词不定式的逻辑主语有时用? for/of + 名词或代词宾格?构成,不定式的复合结构可以在句子中作主语、宾语、定语或状语。

注意:不定式的复合结构作主语时,? It be + 形容词 +of sb to do sth ?句型应表示人的特征的形容词,且可以转换 成? sb be + 形容词 +to do sth ?句型;而? It +be + 形容词 +for

sb to do sth ? 句型用于表示事情本身的特征,不能倒过来说。如:

It's foolish of Jimmy to make such a decision.(=Jimmy is foolish to make such a decision) 吉米做出这样的决定是愚蠢的。

六、?疑问词 + 动词不定式?结构

?疑问词 + 动词不定式?相当于名词,可以在句子中作主语、宾语或表语。如:

The little girl didn't know what to do next. 那小女孩不知道下一步怎么办。 《高中英语语法-动词不定式用法举要》由liuxue86我整理

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