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简介1.有关高考的热门英语单词2.高考必背单词心情方面3.高分求江苏高考英语必背短语…4.高中英语必背单词5.高考英语作文常用词汇 #英语资源# 导语在英语的学习过程中,无论是阅读完形还是在写作,词汇的缺乏始终是很多同学*大的障碍。 考 网精选了一些高考常单词和短语,并放在句子中供大家学习。 1. 他绊了一下,摔倒了。 He trippedand fell. 2. 她提出了一个重要问题,就是由谁负







#英语资源# 导语在英语的学习过程中,无论是阅读完形还是在写作,词汇的缺乏始终是很多同学*大的障碍。 考 网精选了一些高考常单词和短语,并放在句子中供大家学习。

1. 他绊了一下,摔倒了。

He trippedand fell.

2. 她提出了一个重要问题,就是由谁负责。

Sheraisedthe important question of who will be in charge.

3. 我必须工作来养家。

I have to work tosupport my family.

4. 这座桥经得住重型卡车吗?

Is this bridge strong enough to supportheavy lorries?

5. 告示牌上写着“禁止抽烟”。

The signsays “No smoking”.

6. 雨还在下,没有转晴的迹象。

The rainy weather showed no signof improving.

7. 我准备报名参加七月中旬的那个团。

I am ready tosign upfor the mid July group.

8. 这帽子和你的外套很相称。

The hat is a good matchfor your coat.

9. 在白墙的衬托下这幅画很好看。

The picture looks good againstthe white wall.

10. 一名记者被派去报道这次会议。

A journalist was sent to cover the conference.

11. 这些费用包括参观该景点的门票吗?

Does the fee coverthe charge for visiting the place?

12. 他们让受伤的司机在急救人员到来前不要动。

They told the injured driver to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived.

13. 我给你拍照时请不要动。

Please keep still while I take your photograph.

14. 这周围的美景令我感到惊叹。

The beautiful scenery around here gave me a sense of wonder.

15. 你在黑暗中居然没有迷路,这真是个奇迹。

It’s a wonderthat you didn’t lose your way in the dark.

16. 士兵应该服从命令。

A soldier should obeycommands.

17. 我英语学得很好,因此被选为英语老师的助手。

I have such a good command ofEnglish that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.

18. 这个型号质量好,但太贵。

This model is of good quality, but it’s too expensive.

19. 伟人具有什么样的品质?

What qualitiesdoes a great person have?

20. 船沉入了河底。

The ship sank to the bottom of the river.

21. 名单读完却没有听到自己的名字,她心里一沉。

Her heart sank as the list ended without her name.

22. 当时,我们没有完全明白所发生之事的重要性。

At that time, we did not fullygraspthe significance of what had happened.

23. 人们普遍认为成功催人奋进。

It’s generally accepted that people are motivated by success.

24. 校办传来消息,王林被北京大学录取了。

News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admittedto Beijing University.

25. 他示意我们该走了。

He gesturedto us that it was time to go.

26. 那条狗舒服地坐在草地上享受骨头的美味。

The dogsettledon the grass to enjoy its bone.

27. 她舒舒服服地坐在椅子上开始看书。

She settled herself into the chair and started to read.

28. 我在申请表上贴了一张照片。

I attacheda photo to my application form.

29. 坦白地说,很多人把名声和财富看得很重。

To be honest, a lot of peopleattach great importance to becoming rich and famous.

30. 每个房间都有浴室,都能上网。

Every room comes with its own bathroom and Internet access.

31. 我不确定他是否能与我的朋友们合得来。

I wasn’t sure if she wouldfit in withmy friends.

32. 父母应积极催促孩子利用这一机会参加运动会。

Parents should actively urge their children totake advantage ofthe opportunity to join sports teams.

33. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部**即将开拍。

A film will be made in memory ofthose brave fire fighters.

34. 她的脸上露出欣喜的神色。

Her facelit upwith pleasure.

35. 新年焰火照亮了整个城市的天空。

New Year’s fireworks lit upthe sky over the city.

36. 看到亲手种下的这一排排的树,我们大家都有一种成就感。

Seeing the lines of trees we had planted, we all hada sense of achievement.

37. 别再生气了,要设身处地地为他们想一想。

Don’t be angry any more. Try to put yourself in their shoes.







 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服,搭配a piece of, an article of

 2、quiet, silent, still

 quiet 安静的,可以发出小的声音;

 silent 不发出声音,但可以动;

 still 完全不动的,静止的,不动的`(He stand there still. )

 3、before long, long before

 before long 不久以后;

 long before 很久以前;

 例:not long before = before long

 4、be about to, be going to, be to do+ when

 be about to 表最近的将来,后面不接时间状语;

 be going to 侧重打算,想法;

 be to do 侧重意志,计划,安排 例:I?m to meet him.(含双方事先约好的意思)

 5、bring, take, carry, fetch

 bring 拿来;

 take 带走;

 carry 随身携带;

 fetch 取,去回这一往返动作,例:fetch a box of chalk


 take part in参加(活动)

 =join in=participate in参加

 join 参加(组织,团体)


 attend to照顾


 compete in 在?方面竞争

 compete for为了?竞争

 compete against 和?竞赛


 accuse sb. of sth指控某人

 =charge sb. with sth控告某人做某事




 show respect for对?表示尊重

 respect sb for sth

 adore 爱慕

 envy v. 嫉妒

 jealous adj. 嫉妒的

 in honor of为了纪念,为了向?表示敬意


 think of 考虑=think about

 think of/consider+as +adj/n 把?看做


 think over仔细考虑,慎重考虑

 be concerned about担心,关心

 10、in charge of, in the charge of

 in charge of 管理,负责照料,例:He is in charge of the matter.

 in the charge of 由?照料,例:The matter is in the charge of her.

 15、in secret, in the secret

 in secret 秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;

 in the secret 知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语,My mother was in the secret from the beginning.

 11、next year, the next year

 next year 将来时间状语;

 the next year 过去将来时间状语,例:He said he would go abroad the next year.

 12、spend, take, pay, cost

 spend 人做主语,花钱,花时间,sb spend 钱/时间on sth./(in) doing sth;

 take 物做主语,花时间;it takes sb some time to do

 pay 人做主语,花钱,sb pay (money) for sth;

 cost 物做主语,花钱。sth cost sb 钱

 13、join, join in, take part in

 join 加入某个组织,并成为其中的一员,例:He joined the army five years ago.

 join in 参加小型的活动,join sb. in

 take part in 参加大型的活动。

 14、the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher

 the doctor and teacher 指一个人,既是医生又是老师;

 the doctor and the teacher 两个人,一个医生和一个老师。



undergraduate course 本科

Number One Scholar 状元

the second place at palace examinations 榜眼

number three in national civil examinations (in feudal China) 探花

high school, secondary school 专科学校

business school 商业学校

technical school 工业学校

technical college 专科学校

(university) campus 大学

boarding school 供膳宿的学校

academy 专科学院

faculty 系

primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育

higher education 高等教育

school year 学年

term, trimester 学季

semester 学期

school holidays 假期

curriculum 课程

subject 学科

discipline 纪律

(short) course 短训班

seminar 研讨班

playtime, break 课间,休息

to play truant, to play hooky 逃学,旷课

course (of study) 学业

classmate, schoolmate 同学

student 大学生

auditor 旁听生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholar, fellow 奖学金获得者

school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)

teacher lecturer 大学老师

professor 教授

schooling 教授,授课

assistant 助教

headmaster 校长 (女性为:headmistress)

deputy headmaster, deputy head 副校长

rector 校长

dean 教务长

games master, gym teacher, gym instructor 体育教师

private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

of school age 教龄

beginning of term 开学

matriculation 注册

to enroll, to enroll 予以注册

to learn by heart 记住,把握

to revise, to go over 复习

test 考试

to test 考试

to take an examination, to sit an examination, to do an examination 参加考试

convocation notice 考试通知

examiner 考试者

board of examiners 考试团

examination oral, written examination 口试,笔试

question paper 试卷

crib 夹带 (美作:trot)

to pass an examination (或exam), 通过考试

pass, passing grade 升级

prizegiving 分配奖品

to fall an examination 未通过考试

failure 未考好

to repeat a year 留级

degree 学位

graduate 毕业生

to graduate 毕业

project, thesis 毕业论文

General Certificate of Education 中学毕业证书

holder of the General Certificate of Education 中学毕业生

doctorate 博士学位

doctor 博士

competitive examination 答辩考试



mood n.


in a good mood




atmosphere, n.


tone, n.


spirit, n.


feeling n.































一、必背单词 medal n. 奖牌 gold medal 金牌 memorial n. 纪念馆 memory n. 回忆,记忆 mend v. 修理,修补 mental a. 精神的;脑力的 mentally ad. 精神上;智力上 mention n. 提及;记载 vt. 提到;提名表扬 menu n. 菜单 merchant a. 商业的; 商人的 n. 商人;生意人 merciful a. 仁慈的; 宽大的 mercy n. 怜悯 merely ad. 仅仅,只不过 merry a. 高兴的,愉快的 mess n. 凌乱 messy a. 乱七八糟的 metal n. 金属 a. 金属制成的 microcomputer n. 微机 microscope n. 显微镜 microwave n. 微波 mid-autumn n. 中秋 midday n. 中午, 正午 midnight n. 午夜 mild a. 温和的,暖和的,凉爽的 million num. 百万 n. 百万个(人或物) millionaire n. 百万富翁 mineral n. 矿物质,矿物 minibus n.小型公共汽车 miniskirt n. 超短裙 minister n. 部长;牧师 minority n. 少数;少数民族 mirror n. 镜子 mistake (mistook, mistaken) n. 错误 vt. 弄错 mistaken a. 错误的 mixv. 混合,搅拌 mixture n. 混合物 modern a. 现代的 modest a. 谦虚的;谦逊的 monitor n. (班级内的)班长;纠察生;监视器 monument n. 纪念碑,纪念物 mop n. v. 拖把 拖地 moral a. n.道德的 寓意,道德启示 mosquiton.蚊子 motor n. 发动机,马达 motorbike n. 摩托车 motorcycle n. 摩托车 motto n. 箴言,格言 mountain(s) n. 山,山脉 mountainous a. 多山的 mouse (复mice) n. 鼠,耗子;鼠标 moustache n. 小胡子 mouth n. 嘴,口 bluestones 2010-02-14 12:40 PM mouthful n. 满口,一口 from mouth to mouth ad. 口口相传; 人传人地 二、必背短语 1.current 时事 2 sb / a place of sth 抢到某人(物)的东西 3. an experiment 做实验 4. a decision 作出决定 5. work 在工作 6. work 失业 7.would 宁愿,愿意 8.adapt 改变,使能适应 9.have a preference 偏爱 10.live to 住得靠近 11.get to 靠近 12.stand to 站近 13.go 违背,违反 14. sale 供出售,待售 15. sale 上市,出售 16.impress sth 使某人铭记某事物 17.impress sb 使某人牢记某事 18.fill 用…装满 19.set 把…置于一旁,留出,拨出 20.can’t / couldn’t stand sth 能忍受(耐)… 21. construction 正在建设中 22. control 被控制中 23. repair 在修理中 24. treatment 在治疗中 25. discussion 正在讨论中 26.remind sb sth提醒某人某事,让某人想起某事 27.remind sb do 提醒去做某事




eruptionn.(火山的)爆发;喷发。<brrevenuen.税收,岁入。一站式出国留学攻略 领域





Campus, facilities, theme, goal, preference, course, routine,

passionate, enthusiastic, ambitious, confident, easygoing, boring

participate, concentrate, focus, attract, distract,

inspire, sit up all night,


Interview, community service, part-time job, pocket money, spare time,

tempting, popular, challenging, corrupted,

Volunteer, waste time in, relax, get away from,


policy, atmosphere, dialogue, beauty, civilization, culture, nutrition, housing

privacy, standard

Skin deep, superficial, stylish, fashionable, common, effective, determined,

represent, lead, direct, have a positive/negative effect on, affect the lives of, spare no efforts to, turn sth. into reality, take much action to, take measures to,


progress, growth, prosperity, luxury, biotechnology, income,

increasing, Optimistic, pessimistic, financial, rapid

decrease, boom, continue, come to a stop, get laid off, encourage flourish,


coast, climate, atmosphere, species,

Environmental, ecological, endangered,

Pollute, protect, preserve, establish,


subway, tunnels, skyscrapers, suspension bridges, theatres,

Crowded, in harmony, private,

Construct, rebuild, relocate, tear down, flood, blueprint,

以 Make、get的搭配和动词短语为例来示范一下一个单词应该掌握到什么程度:

Make “做,制造”


make tea 沏茶

make bed 铺床

make suggestion 提建议

make faces做鬼脸


1. make it 成功,实现

We were surprised that he made it at last.

2. make sense 有道理

Does your sentence make sense?

3. make the most of 充分利用

It is wise to make the most of the weekend.

还有make friends with交朋友, make a fool of sb.开某人的玩笑, make room for sb.腾地方给某人,make way让路,make (full)use of 充分利用;等等

注意,make up有五种常用意义,分别是:



My family is made up of my parents and me. Mom, quite into her own look, makes up 5 times a day. When asked how she looks, Dad usually makes up some lies. But sometimes mom can tell and have fight with dad. Soon afterward they will make up, because dad always makes up for her by doing some chores.

Get “取得,成为”

1. get (the message) across 传达

The teacher got his idea across to student by drawing a picture.

2. get ahead of 领先

If you want to get ahead of others, work harder.

3. get away from 远离

I wish I could get away from school.

4. get away with 被放过,不受惩罚

You can never get away with cheating.

5. get on with 相处

The twins get on well with each other.

6. get by 凑合,勉强维持

The cats cannot get by without food in winter.

7. get hold of 抓住,得到

I didn’t get hold of the question in the test.

8. get into/out of the habit 养成/改掉习惯

It takes nothing to get into a bad habit, but take a lot of things to get out of it.

9. get over 克服(情绪),从……恢复

I haven’t never gotten over from the shock that I failed the mid-term exam.

10. get rid of 摆脱

I just want to get rid of the bad moods.

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