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简介1.急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!2.高中英语如何快速提分?急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!杨浦区有两个二模,一个是自己区独立的三月考试,答案如下:杨浦区2013届三月高考英语二模卷第I卷I. Listening ComprehensionSection A1~5 CDABB 6~10

1.急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!


急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!





I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

1~5 CDABB 6~10 BDCCA

Section B

11~13 DBC 14~16 BCD

Section C

17. pressure 18. convenience

19. Cycle 20. salty

21. parking permit 22. students with disabilities

23. permission letter 24. top four choices

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

25~29 BCDCA 30~34 DCCAA 35~40 DBCBCC

Section B

41~45 IBECJ 46~49 AHFG

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

50~54 BCDAC 55~59 BADAB 60~64 DABCA

Section B

65~67 BCD 68~71 BDCD 72~75 DCBB

Section C

76~80 BDAEF

Section D

81. the cost of severe weather on life and property

82. satellites,Doppler radar and hundreds of rain gauges

83. its information helped the move people to safety / …

84. take severe weather more seriously and actively prepare for the worst


I. Translation

1. Remember to combine learning with thinking.

2. The Party calls on officials to increase efficiency and avoid waste.

3. People’s awareness of personal information protection remains to be raised.

4. Developing clean public transportation is widelyrecognized as a good way to improve air quality.

5. The president has been worrying about the slow economic recovery and manychallenges in foreign affairs, but so far he hasn’t found a way out.

II. Guided Writing




I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

1~5 BDDCD 6~10 CBABD

Section B

11~13 BDC 14~16 CAD

Section C

17. Biology 18. professor

19. reserve 20. third

21. An appliance store 22. A wide selection

23. Things are overcharged 24. purchasing

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

25~29 BDCAD 30~34 ABCDC 35~40 ADBBCA

Section B

41~45 EHJCF 46~49 GBDA

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

50~54 CCBBA 55~59 DDCDA 60~64 BACBD

Section B

65~68 CBDC 69~71 CBD 72~75 BDBC

Section C

76~80 EBFAC

Section D

81. the relationship between television viewing and antisocial behavior

82. about 1,000 children born in Dunedin in 1972~1973

83. They fail to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence.

84. Limit their children’s television use (to 1 to 2 hours).


I. Translation

1. Many drivers don’t get used to the new traffic rules.

2. The traditional way of buying train tickets has already been replaced by the one through the Internet.

3. It won’t be a few days before they mail you the result about the interview.

4. We are all concerned about the food quality because it is closely related to everyone’s health.

5. Those firefighters risked their life to successfully rescue all the old and children trapped in the burning house.

II. Guided Writing




1.词汇 相当重要 高三时我的英语成绩还是70多分 二模时,我就请假回家努力背了八天英语课文 然后二模考了120

这还没有结束 因为题比较简单 但也提升了信心

结果当年高考才考了90 因为底子差 高考题就专门为难底子差的人 于是我发现单纯的背单词还不够

2.语感 补习开始了 我决定开始练习语感 怎么练呢 记住永远不要用自己的口音去主观臆断的念课文 也就是说你在没有听到标准的英语前不要自己瞎念

这就要你多听英语课文 模仿他的口音 多看英语** 从语境中模仿演员的语气


就这样 我的成绩还是在125左右徘徊

3.做题方法 这一点很重要,主要是我有一个好英语老师 她教我们的就是“排除加联系”

尤其是上下文联系 做完型时你首先要明确完形填空考的就不是基础 它是一篇地地道道的着

英语文采的文章 而它的文采就体现在它的上下文联系上 因此上文有的词下文有可能会出现。

4.心态 要随时带着“我喜欢英语,不论错多少,我只是为了能准准确确学会它”的心态

so,今年高考我的成绩还不差 阅读没有错 完型错两个 总分133

不知能否对你有帮助,I just want to say "wish you luck".

文章标签: # 英语 # 二模 # 高考