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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观
简介B 试题分析:本题主要考察学生读图能力,批判德意志第二帝国的专制本质。这个图应该理解成德国政体中残留封建残余的东西,这个树枝就是象征专制的,自以为不能丢弃的东西。信息我们自由派绝不据掉我们坐着的树枝。为什么不据掉?因为坐在树枝上,据掉自己就将掉落。的寓意是议会被君主操纵,反对君主无疑是自寻死路,暗喻议会没有权利,反映了德意志第二帝国专制本质,B符合题意,故选B。俾斯麦在1862年9月被任
B |
试题分析:本题主要考察学生读图能力,批判德意志第二帝国的专制本质。这个图应该理解成德国政体中残留封建残余的东西,这个树枝就是象征专制的,自以为不能丢弃的东西。信息我们自由派绝不据掉我们坐着的树枝。为什么不据掉?因为坐在树枝上,据掉自己就将掉落。的寓意是议会被君主操纵,反对君主无疑是自寻死路,暗喻议会没有权利,反映了德意志第二帝国专制本质,B符合题意,故选B。俾斯麦在1862年9月被任命为宰相兼外交大臣后公开宣称:德意志的未来不在于普鲁士的自由主义,而在于强权,要解决面临的问题,只有用铁与血。材料中德意志第二帝国已经建立,与信息不符,排除A。“在上帝的天堂和这个国家之间,不允许有任何文件,作为第二天意出现”,C项强调世俗王权与神权的重要性,与题意不符,排除C。D项是对德国体制的赞许而不是讽刺。排除D。故答案选择B项。 点评:关于德意志帝国的君主立宪制,从命题角度上看,德意志统一战争的目的和德意志代议制进步性和局限性仍是高考命题重点;从题型上看用选择题考查可能性大,多种形式的材料解析逐渐增多;从内容上看,应该掌握德意志统一、1871年宪法内容和影响,注意把启蒙思想、德日代议制、英美代议政治、工业革命、中国近现代政治制度的探索等内容结合思考;在复习时可与热点联系起来:世界政治文明具有多元化的特点,世界政治文明的选择是各国的国情决定的,应尊重世界其他各国的文明。 |
Do You Like the English Self-taught Program? Why?
考生中几乎没有人对自学发生任何抱怨,或表示不喜欢。其实也是,来者都是乐此不疲者,要不,他们为何既破了费、又花了时间,赶到考场来找罪受呢?所以,其开头所表达的意思多半是正面的。不达,即使是表示喜欢,也不能总是用一句"yes, I do"了事,比如,我们可以紧接其后顶上一句:
Yes, I like this self - taught program.
Yes, I do. This program is very helpful to me.
I've found this program to be beneficial.
I feel that is program has many advantages.
a) 考大学未被录取,便参加自学考试;
b) 现在,社会上的各行各业竞争激烈,获得一张文凭、学会英语能使自己更具竞争力;
c) 外语变得越来越重要;
d) 对于外语有着特别的爱好;
e) 过去在学校里学外语主要是为了应付考试,现在可以凭兴趣选读一些感兴趣的内容;
f) 自己觉得外语水平不够用,通过自学考试可以系统地学习英语;
g) 社会需要既懂专业、又懂外语的复合型人才,故在业余时间里补习英语;
h) 学习其他专业需要较多的投入,会受到许多限制,而英语可以完全自学。
a) Since I was unable to enroll in a university, this program was my only choice.
b) I find that in today's competitive job market, better English skills enhance my chance of advancing in my career.
c) It is increasingly important for me to have strong English skills for living and working in Shanghai.
d) Learning English has always appealed to me.
e) Since I am now freed from the pressure of exams, I can study English to become a better speaker and for its practical application: I no linger have to study simply simply for exams.
f) I have realized that my English is not accomplished enough for my work and, this program provides a structured project through which I can improve my skills.
g) I feel it's important for our society to have many people who are experts in their fields, and are also bilingual; by studying English, I can contribute to the society.
h) Language is one of the few subjects that can be learned without any elaborate facilities. Only a few books and perhaps some tapes are necessary. I enjoy studying new subjects, and English as a language is interesting to learn and convenient to study.
Three years ago, I failed to gain entry to university by just a few points. My only option, as a result, was to enroll in the self - taught program. I understood that it would be much more difficult to study and learn without a teacher and the structure of classes; but I think it's a good way for me to gain discipline and strengthen my willpower. I know that many great leaders, throughout the history, have not attended university. While I would never say that they became great because they didn't have a degree, I think it is evident that much can be attained by those who follow a different path other than the expected one. I hope to achieve success myself, even though I may be taking a slightly less direct route than I had originally anticipated.
Three years ago, I failed to gain entry to university by just a few points.
When I took my exams three years ago, I missed the cut for university entrance by a few points.
I took college entrance exams three years ago. Unfortunately, I failed to qualify by a few points.
"I hope to achieve success myself, even though I may be taking a slightly less direct than I had originally anticipated."此句所表达的意思是:自学之路会更加曲折,然而我想凭自己的努力学有所成。这个意思也可以用其他的句子来表达,如:
I hope to achieve success myself, even though my road may be a little more roundabout.
I hope to achieve success myself, even though my road may be more challenging than others.
I hope to achieve success myself, even though my road may be more difficult.
然而,在表达这个意思时,有些考生舍近求远,爱用一些大词,如:uneven, zigzagging, 或复合词up - and - down 等,如:
I hope to achieve success myself, even though my road may be a little more uneven / zigzagging / up - and - down.
Since I have already got my degree in Mechanics, I'm taking the self - taught course for my own enjoyment and not necessarily for a degree. I really like studying English and, systematically taking a course of the self - taught program provides me with a structured and a systematic way of improving my language skills. When I was in university working for my degree, I studied English simply because I wanted to pass my exams. Now. I can study English to improve my skills without the pressure. The exams merely provide the impetus for me to learn more.
Originally, I thought I would like to major in English, but I ended up majoring in Economics at my university. Since graduation, I have been working in a foreign enterprise. I have always enjoyed studying English, though, and I used to be very confident in my langusage skills. Now that I'm working for a foreign company, however, I've found that the English that we read as well as the way my colleagues speak is often quite different from what I studied. This self - taught program provides a way for me to study what I love, the English language. It is convenient for me to make my own schedule since I work full - time, and I can improve my job performance all at once.
自学是一种便利的学习途径。由于学习英语已有很多年头,因而对于其基本的语法知识有所领悟,且对于自己也有自知之明。本人现在已经工作,全日制读书已不可能。再说,要找到一个合适自己程度的班级也非易事; 此外,工作忙闲的不确定性使自己难以定期上课并完成作业。选择自学能具有更大的自由度。
I enjoy the English self - taught program because it's very convenient for me. I have studied English for many years, and I'm familiar with the vocabulary and basic rules of grammar, as well as the way that I can learn the language best. This is the most efficient way for me to keep up my English studies. Since I am now working full time, it's much easier for me to take a course and to schedule my own study time as I can. On the other hand, it would be very difficult for me to make it to classes or to follow assignments, because sometimes I'm busy at work or sometimes I have more free time. Therefore, the self - taught program allows me the freedom to determine my own course and to figure out what to study and the best way to do that on my own.
自学的好处在于能够有效地根据自己的程度进行学习。 学习的过程中将遇到的问题集中起来,待日后一起请教老师。这样做效率更高。所有的问题解决后,回去再认真攻读。
Well, for me, the advantage of the self - taught program is that I can determine my own level. I find that my level of proficiency in English tends to fall between the higher classes and the less advanced classes, and so it's difficult for me to find one that is at the appropriate level. I either end up in a class where I know much of the material already, or I am in a class where it's slightly more advanced than I am. And yet if I can sit down on my own, I can determine my own level and work and progress at a speed suitable for me. It's also much more efficient for me to be able to sit down with all of my materials and assemble all my questions and then pose them at one time, rather than learning a little bit here and there. So I prefer to have the chance to meet with the teacher and find out all the answers I need, and then go back and study them.
I find that the self - taught program allows me to keep up with the development of society that I see. I feel like at this point in our progress, each person has to contribute as much as possible to both their work and to society at large. And for me, the way to do that is to society English, keep advancing, and better my spoken English and my conversational understanding, so that I have something to give the society and my employs. Given that I'm very busy, self - teaching becomes the only practical way for me to continue that. It also gives me something to look forward to when I go home, because I'm challenged in a new way that refreshes me and again helps me at my job.